The tilting bratt pan is a versatile piece of commercial kitchen equipment built with a high capacity machine to offer you the functionality of four different devices in one. With adjustable temperature controls and water inlet pipe for heating/boiling the food, it becomes easier to use the tilting bratt pan for varied cooking purposes. For instance, you can use it as:
Frying pan – Fill the pan with the required amount of oil and get ready to fry delicious food items such as fish, eggs, breaded produce, etc.
Fry-top pan – Dry cook or grill fish, meat, different types of seafood in large quantities by heating the tilting bratt pan at higher temperature.
Direct heating boiling pan – Prepare stews, rice, sauces or any other type of wet cooking and save time in cooking them separately in small utensils.
Bain marie – Preserve sauces or garnishes in bain marie so that they remain fresh and tasty for a long time.
When it comes to the structure of a tilting bratt pan, you can rest assured that it will last long and deliver high performance. It comes with an advanced mechanism that helps you raise the tank and tilt it to empty the food items in the tray or other utensils. The wide discharge mouth helps you to empty the contents speedily, which facilitates both the cooking and cleaning process. It contains a narrow section in the middle through which all the contents are emptied without spilling all over.
At Sujata Enterprises, we manufacture high performance tilting bratt pan in different shapes and sizes to meet the varying needs of all kinds of food businesses. These pans drastically reduce the cooking time and help you serve large customers even in busy hours. So, if you are thinking about adding the tilting bratt pans to your commercial kitchen, make sure to get them customized to your needs from us