Home Pan Ice Cream Maker Machine
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The pan ice cream machine is primarily used to make fried rolled ice cream (also known as “Thai Rolled Ice Cream”). These instant ice cream maker pan machines are easy and user-friendly, where you pour an ice cream base onto a cold plate, add whichever fruits, candies, dry fruits, or other ingredients you want, and mix them well so that they lay flat on the plate. Once the mixture has frozen together well enough, create rolls out of it and serve to customers.
By utilizing cutting-edge technology and the highest quality materials, these live ice cream roll machines will help you save time in production and increase your sales.
At Sujata Enterprises, you will find two variants of the pan ice cream roll machine. These machines come in several designs, but the cold plate remains constant. Let’s explore their functionality.
The pan ice cream machine is a table with an attached pan and containers designed to make ice cream rolls quickly and serve them directly to customers. The containers can be used to store various ice cream flavors or ingredients so you can add them to your mixture. Not only do these tava ice cream machines take up minimal counter space, but they are also energy efficient and made with long-lasting materials–giving you the most benefits for your purchase.
The pan ice cream chiller is a single-unit machine that comes with a plate. You can use it to create different flavors of ice cream rolls. The machine doesn’t have any containers, so you would need to store the ice cream separately. It’s ideal for food establishments that don’t have much space since the machine doesn’t take up much room.
The pan ice cream-making machine features designs that suit all types of food establishments, from classic to contemporary. They are compact and powerful, so you can use them in small spaces without sacrificing efficiency.
Our commercial pan ice cream chillers are made with premium stainless steel, meaning they will last you a long time. In addition, the plate is designed to be the perfect thickness for fast refrigeration, and it is also reinforced to make it bend-resistant.
The chillers’ straightforward design means that they’re user-friendly and practical for commercial use. They’re easy to clean as well, so you won’t have any difficulty keeping them in good condition.
The ice cream making machines come with temperature control, making them suitable for all weather conditions. Plus, the uniform cooling mechanism keeps the pan cool throughout the surface, making it easier for you to be creative and experiment.
The pan ice cream roll machines at Sujata Enterprises are put through rigorous field tests to verify their quality and performance under different conditions.
At Sujata Enterprises, we strive to provide our clients with the best possible experience by offering high-quality and affordable commercial kitchen equipment. If you require a live pan ice cream roll making machine, do not hesitate to reach out to us! We accept customizations on all of our products so you can get exactly what you need for your business. This way, you can have a facilitated ice-cream making experience without any hassle.
Gala no A-18 Nandhjyoth Industrial Estate. Safed pul, Andheri Kurla Road Near MTNL, Andheri(E) Mumbai-72
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